Brown Rice Nutrition May Lower the Risk of Diabetes & Heart Disease


There are significant nutritional benefit to consuming brown rice (or brown rice powder) in contrast to white or processed rice, due to comparatively higher nutriment content.

It may reduce the risk of such ailments as heart disease and diabetes due to its high fiber content and good magnesium levels. It also contains the often-overlooked nutrient manganese, which can help us regulate our digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as aid in general daily bodily functions.

Brown rice still contains large proportional amounts of bran, which is also high in fiber and aids digestion, but also can help decrease LDL (or bad) by binding to the cholesterol in the gut and keeping it from being absorbed into the body.

Refined carbohydrates like white rice are basically fake foods and do nothing to promote the health of your body.

Because of the above-mentioned assistance in digestion and sugar regulation, it is a good choice for combating diabetes.

Those with (real or imaginary) gluten intolerance can eat this without interference. Brown rice as a crop is between six and nine thousand years old, and is thought to have originated in China.

There are a lot of ways to cook it, but soaking can reduce the arsenic content that it can tend to uptake.
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